Tuesday, April 10, 2007

baneful bliss

you made me come alive, baby
and made me lose all my faith...

you made me feel like am more beautiful than I ever thought I was
and made me hate my own reflection..

you told me I was perfect
and found countless flaws in me...

you made me smile, like never before
and left me with tears..

you knew me..
yet you misunderstood...

you made me feel the bliss of being loved
yet never loved me...

fooled? bewildered? betrayed?
disillusioned? neglected?

maybe a million kinds of love..
need the kind that only U can give me..
Or so I believed..

April 1st, 2007 :)

1 comment:

Prathibha said...

April 1st..!! :)... very beautifully captured emotions in few crisp correct adjectives... good to see this dear :)